
List event terbaru Surabayadev

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UIUX Design 101: Memulai Karir Sebagai UIUX Designer

16 Maret 2024

Belajar dasar-dasar UIUX design dan mulai karirmu sebagai UIUX designer di acara ini!

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Designing for Success: UI/UX Freelance and the Business Landscape (2023)

05 Agustus 2023

Surabaya Dev Tech Community Revolution!

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Breaking the Barrier: Unleashing the Power of Frontend & FullStack Web Dev

24 Juni 2023

Bersiap untuk hadir di SurabayaDev Offline Meetup! Breaking the Barrier: Unleashing the Power of Frontend and FullStack Web Development

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Web Automation Testing with Puppeteer

01 April 2023

Learn the basics of web automation testing using Puppeteer, an open-source Node library, in this webinar. Boost your testing efficiency!

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QA Career Preparation | MQA x SurabayaDev

25 Februari 2023

Mempersiapkan untuk menjadi sebagai seorang Quality Assurance

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Front End Web Development with React JS | PatriaDev x SurabayaDev

17 Desember 2022

Mengetahui bagaimana kerja seorang front end dev dalam proses web development menggunakan library javascript React JS

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Evaluating User Experience to Build Better Products

27 November 2022

Heuristic Usability merupakan Metode untuk menganalisa agar memberikan kemudahan dalam penggunaan.

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Memulai Karir sebagai Product Manager

29 Oktober 2022

Meet Up Surabaya dev "Memulai Karir sebagai Product Manager"

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Digital Expansion Through Building User Interface : ReactJS

12 Oktober 2022

Mobile and Web Application Simplified Expand your business digitally with ReactJS

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Begin your journey as a backend engineer

09 Agustus 2022

Apakah kamu berencana untuk menjadi seorang backend engineer?

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Quality Assurance

26 Februari 2022

Quality Assurance

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16 Januari 2022

Bahas peluang kerja remote di perusahaan luar negeri

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Inagurasi Volunteer Surabaya Dev 2021

28 November 2021

Perpisahan volunteer surabaya dev

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Introduction IoT: MQTT

12 September 2021

Kenalan sama MQTT yang sering digunakan dibidang IoT (Intenet of Things)

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How to Build a Mobile App: From Zero to User

28 November 2020

sharing and networking about mobile development with mobile developer at CariKosan.com

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Cuman Test : Hai Eventbrite Surabaya Dev Sedang Testing (Prototype)

18 November 2020

Just Test the Eventbrite

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Implement Design Thinking in Product Development

24 Oktober 2020

Bagaimana design thinking berpengaruh dalam product development. Yuk kulik lebih dalam

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SurabayaDev Special Meetup with CODEX : Front-End Developer Going Beyond

23 Juli 2020

Surabaya Dev berkolaborasi dengan CODEX mempersembahkan Online Event : Front-End Developer Going Beyond

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Firebase Online Study Jam 2020 by Surabaya Dev

17 Mei 2020

[PLEASE READ] Hello Everyone,Hope all is well on pandemic this year, hope you all enjoy the Ramadhan.We had a great turn out on our first Firebase Study Jam session. Hope everyone who joined had as much fun as we did.Session will

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Introduction to NestJs - SurabayaDev MeetUp | February 2020

29 Februari 2020

Hai sobat Developer! SurabayaDev menyapa kamu kembali di MeetUp pertama tahun 2020 ini Yuk berkenalan dan belajar bareng dengan NestJs bersama Mas Prasetyo Wicaksono seorang Software Engineer di Star Fish Innovation asal Thailand.  Jangan lupa RSVP di eventbrite ya. Introducton to NestJs With Prasetyo Wicaksono -

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Domain modeling with Doctrine ORM

27 Mei 2017

Domain modeling with Doctrine ORM

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Implementing TDD in Laravel

21 April 2017

Implementing TDD in Laravel

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Having fun with Kotlin Android

16 Maret 2017

Having fun with Kotlin Android

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Git flow & tutorial

07 Februari 2017

Git flow & tutorial

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SurabayaDev Meetup - Concurrent Programming in Golang

07 Januari 2017

SurabayaDev Meetup - Concurrent Programming in Golang

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Membuat Single Page Application dengan VueJs

28 April 2016

Membuat Single Page Application dengan VueJs

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